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As we go about our daily business, can we all spare a thought for those 4 mineres in Swansea

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Bobbisox | 08:47 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
I hope and pray they get out alive...
my thoughts are with their families too


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very very sad indeed
Oh no, this is awful. I haven't seen the news for a few days, so I've completely missed this. My Dad used to be a miner.
Really awful :-(
Things looking bleak at that Mine now with 2 Bodies recovered but whilst there is hope all may not be lost
Bad news all round bobbi,I know it's not any consolation but at least they are recovering the bodies. When a similar incident happened at the Lofthouse Colliery back in '73 I think it was, the bodies were never found. I remember seeing a documentary about it a few years ago and the brother of one of the lost miners was in tears at the thought of his brother being left in a colliery that had closed and built over
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it is so tragic, I think Miners have a dreadful job to do and admire them greatly
Third body has been found
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Oh Dear this is terrible very sad for all concerned
sad sad day..
Yes sad News indeed, that Mine must be a hell hole of a place for the Rescue Services to try and find the last missing Miner.
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I fear it is too late now Red... I sincerely hope not
It is a very sad day, I do hope they find the fourth one alive. Unfortunately it is not looking too good. My thoughts and prayers are with the familes and other miners.
they are still looking for the fourth man, how terribly sad.
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you just can not imagine what this community is going through, can you?
They have found the fourth body, what a dreadful tragedy.

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As we go about our daily business, can we all spare a thought for those 4 mineres in Swansea

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