Benefit cheats...
I feel a bit awkward asking this, but I wanted to get a general idea of how other people feel and how you would act.
I 'know of' someone who's claiming benefits and working on the sly, cash in hand. In fact, she has TWO jobs!
She's not a friend, just someone I met through a friend.
I normally don't get myself bothered by this kind of thing, but having met her a few nights ago, she has really irritated me with her stories of how she's "raking it in" and "screwing the system".
She gets all her rent paid for, and council tax and also claims for unemployment. She works during the day and, as she knows the owner of the company, she gets paid cash and it's all completely off the books. She told me this herself, and her friend also confirmed this to me.
She also works an evening job, 3 nights a week... again, all off the books and cash in hand.
She has no children and clearly isn't struggling, so would you be annoyed by this (and consider shopping her) or would it not bother you?
I know this is probably a mixture of bitterness and jealousy, but I just get so annoyed when I see her going out all the time, or coming home with bags and bags of shopping.
Like lots of people these days, I have to budget really carefully each month, and often go without so I can make sure my kids have what they want/need.
This just makes me feel really angry and annoyed.
How would you feel about this and what, if anything, would you do?