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tips for todays ayr race meeting......

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stokemaveric | 12:51 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
elusive prince..14.15 [e/w]
miss work of art..14.45
colonel mac..15.20 [e/w]
sharp relief..17.35


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hya Stokey :-)
I have my own tip for tomorrow

Stoke 3 Sunderland 0

Question Author
hi bobbi i do hope you are right lol...
I am, I
Question Author
ok bobbi i will wager £10.00 on sunderland 0 stoke 3
oooh, go on then, dare ya :-)
Question Author
already done bobbi lol x
I hope you win,,ask Mark Rae :-)

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tips for todays ayr race meeting......

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