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Has Dot, Dotty.

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micmak | 14:41 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Who did genealogy left this site. I have been looking out for her for ages, but with no luck.


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I was thinking about her the other day. I think she started to get fed up with it. Doc might know.....I think they're in contact off site.
I'm not sure where Dot is, micmak..........but others may also be able to help....
Think she has eloped with Garth Brooks............or was it Garth Crooks, getting mixed up ! :-)

I asked after her.. my concern was obviously much appreciated ;o)
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Thanks ummmm and Jack. I hope doc sees this.
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Last time she was on she just said that she was too busy at the mo to post regularly...........if you need some genealogy help I'll give it a go mic, although I'm not as good as dotty.
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Thanks for the link sara. At least it's good to know she is okay.
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Thanks for that Craft ♥
Hope all is OK with her. Both she and craft were very helpful to me in Genealogy
Last on last monday


Nice ot know she's still around, bit sadly not as prolific as she used to be, wish she were though, i miss dotty :-(
dot has been on far more recently than last Monday, just under another user name...

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