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karenmac60 | 20:57 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | Interiors
6 Answers
I'm looking for suggestions here. My hall and stair carpet is looking pretty shabby so it needs replaced, but I have 2 cats who tend to claw it. One of the cats is epileptic and when he fits he wets himself (hence the carpet needing replaced). I may be looking for the impossible here, but I'm on a tight budget and need something hardwearing (not necessarily carpet) that will not get easily ruined by the cats. Any ideas? (that don't include getting rid of the cats)



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afraid you have proscribed my suggestion.
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Thanks Scotman ;)
Karen could you tile the hall and mabye sand down and jusy paint the stairs? Is it the dulux ad that paints a "runner" on like a red carpet? I like that look x
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That is exactly what I started looking at after I got off here last night Tinks - great minds think alike ;)
I would also suggest a scratching post, maybe in the hall to try and stop one problem !
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They have 2 - but they prefer the carpet :)

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