My bird world has gone mad. We havent got any blackbirds, greenfinch,chaffinch or wagtails any more. I havent seen them for a couple of months. The strange thing is that although there arent any of them, we still have a couple of dozen swallows, I have never known them to be so late leaving. I do miss my birds, wonder if they will come back.:(
Thanks for your replies. We do have sparrow hawk visit from time to time, but the crows, swallows and my border collie always see it off! We have been feeding the birds for many years, we are on a farm with no neighbours with cats. I especially miss my little wagtails, who would pop onto the windowsill when I called them to get their grated cheese.
They will be back probably by mid october... add some nice high energy food like suet pellets and sunflower hearts... sit back and enjoy the feeding frenzy