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I've just set my grill on fire

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albaqwerty | 14:38 Sun 18th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Well, not really, it's out now and after extinguishing the flames, the smoke detector went off.

A tad late methinks.


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As you asked, a bacon sarnie would be very nice, thanks :-)
Hope you're ok - no hurry...
My smoke alarms goes off when there is nothing cooking, don't know why!
Hope LIK liked his sandwich
Albi..mince and tatties today...and leek dumplings...yummmy
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Any sauce with your sarnie kingy?

I hope unsmoked bacon is all right.

Even when I'm boiling potatoes thae darned thing goes off. Steam apparently gets them agitated.

I'm fine thanks but am trying to work out how to explain to OH that the TV mag went up in flames.
Tom sauce, please - & white bread if you have it? Ta muchly...
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Winging its way to you kingy x

Mince pies and mashed here tonight, if I have a kitchen left. Stew with dumplings tomorrow Bobbio xx
ohhh I think we might have bangers and mash with onion gravy tomorrow Albi :-)
:-)) xx
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Just explained to OH about the TV mag, he was at his dad's watching the footie.

Hah, he was grinning when I read this thread to him, then he tells me his cider bottle exploded all over him.

I think we are not safe :) Me with fire and him with liquids.
when I worked at a care home,talc used to set of the fire alarms

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I've just set my grill on fire

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