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weather with you

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cazzz1975 | 15:41 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
its peeing down in birmingham at the moment and its cold, lucky I have a tumble dryer!

whats the weather doing up your end?


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I see this title, and think this song...
just been on the 'rain today' link given by ann86 - like it!
Overcast and breezy but not particulary cold - Herts.
Yes rsvp - in our family we watch that weather site all the time, its very accurate too - you can estimate what time the rain will reach you when you watch the animation. Weather forecasters ought to watch it hahaha .......
A heavy blast of rain in the north tomorow cazzz oh no, I have a friend visiting from Scotland for two days, we were hoping to get lots of walking done !
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I think its starts around noonish

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sorry I knew the title would have people singing crowded house, I was in a subliminal mood :o
It's raining...
Thought you'd like this - only posted it for gorgeous Sacha Distel with his crinkly eyes (sigh)
Cold, miserable and rain on and off. And what is worse is that its all down hill from here.
Grey. Windy. Cold.
Getting darker and darker - will have to put the light on in a minute ....good grief!
Is that your weather, snags, or a brief report on CD today? :oP
You don't know how close you really are...
Sheffield : Steady light rain all morning, sun and cloud this afternoon, now a thin high overcast with dark clouds edging over the horizon. Quite mild at the moment.
Hi Cazzzy,

Back in Sussex for a few days before end of season parties abroad.......sunny with a bit of cloud here so quite pleasant overall now.......forecast good apparently for next few days. :0) x
I have enjoyed a wonderful sunny day out in the garden in the morning and afternoon, tidying and planting bulbs. Oh, if we could only get at least a few days of this!
Clouding over as the day wore on but mild and dry on the North Yorkshire coast.
Been for a walk in memory of an outdoor pal. Didn't want sunshine today.

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