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sherrardk | 18:36 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
... that you can get an iPad app that costs £69.99? Guess how I know this, thats right, someone (I suspect thing #2) had bl00dy downloaded it!


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No pocket money until s/he is 19!!
You know that feeling when you really shouldn't laugh but somehow you just can't help it . . . ?
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Slightly admire the boy for doing it though (he's only three). On the plus side, the iPad is linked to my husband's account so he's had to pay for it.
May we enquire what app costs that much?
I would ground him until he is 36.
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You may indeed enquire and I shall tell you. It's a rip-off, cr@p app called Mini Cafe, Filthy Rich Developer.
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I got an email on Fridqy saying it had been purchased and I thought the price was a typo (I was thinking £0.69), told my husband about it and forgot about it. It was only today when his bank stopped his card for odd buying patterns (even a computer knows only an idiot spends that much on a stupid app) did we realise it wasn't a typo.

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