mrs m...considering i am a nurse and in the 'caring profession' there really are a great deal of knives flying about. so long as one misses my back, i'm fine with that. i like to yhink i am caring, professional, supportive and damn good at my job, so am constantly disappointed by my colleagues. after 5 years, however, i'm now used to it - which is a sad thing to say, i think x
An old lady who I got in to conversation with over the price of printing ink while sat on a bench waiting for someone. She said .. how much?? I'm glad I dont own a computer & laughed!!
Well it wasn't today, but this made me smile on Monday, the latest from my 10 year old son who was lying in the bath prattling on to anyone in the vicinity. I was downstairs and heard him spout this piece of wisdom:
"Life as a cow must be boring. You stand about all day eating grass and then get sweaty hands all over your udders"!!!!!
lgc, my OH is a former nurse, he said that doctors would stick by each other no matter what, but nurses would stab each other in the back without a blink.