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Saturday Telegraph Quick Crossword

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tabbycat09 | 10:57 Sat 24th Sep 2011 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Just stuck on 12 down
Catchphrase ?L?O

Thanks in advance


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Allo Allo :)
So is it 4,4 rather than just 4 letter,s tabbycat?
No, it is only (4) with an instruction to repeat it.

It ties in with the pun - list + Tenn + very + closely
The full clue (in the online version) is "12d '-- --', TV comedy (you must say this twice!) (4)"

This ties in with "20a, 22a, 26a and 28a: Catchphrase from 12 12 (1,5,3,4,4,4)"

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Saturday Telegraph Quick Crossword

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