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Birthday ideas...

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fliptheswitch | 15:30 Sat 24th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Afternoon all :-)

It's my Dads birthday next week, and I have no idea what to get him.

I know it's difficult making suggestions for someone you don't know, but has anyone got any ideas. I don't want to spend a fortune, so nothing extravagant.

I usually get him a ticket to see the rugby, but Wales are playing in New Zealand this year, so thought that to be a tad overboard! :P

Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.


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How old is he? My Dad wanted a new wheelbarrow one b 'day recently and my bro and I bought him a super one - he was really chuffed !
Go to the website of ! Or IWOOT.
where you can enter choice of male/female, age range, price range - etc, and you find all sorts of novelties and gadgets.
£39 will buy him a year's subscription to the Welsh Rugby Union Supporters' Club..... http://supporters.wru...USCmembershipform.pdf
Perhaps he'd just like your company for the day?
Has he got sky ? he can watch all the rugby he wants
My dad's a bugger to buy for - but he was quite tickled with this

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