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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:32 Mon 26th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
A rare visit from me these days.
The weather gurus promised us it would be hot and sunny this week. So of course it's raining! Such is life. :io/

Have a happy day everyone.


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Where ya going Rowan??

Hope the weather will be kind x
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Morning bobbi. xxx Just in time. The OH is waking up, so must go and don my nurses uniform. I will be back when I can. it's really lovely to see you all. Take care and have a happy day. xxxxx
agree totally alba-ive even knocked the dirt off my workboots
just mid wales...hopefully a bit of birding and just chilling with a few novels
Its been a pretty heavy year or so with a busy one ahead and just want to draw breath... Going with a friend
Yes, I had a very jolly weekend, thanks Alba.

How nice to see WBM again.
Take care , regards to Mrs WBM
From near the capital the clouds look heavy with rain but the sun is peeping through but we were spoilt with a glorious weekend =)

hope you have a good day
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BJ, you know how to spoil us ladies.

Rowan, you can't beat a bit of chill time.

It's a quick weekend when you're having fun. JJ. couln't you manage a week, I know work commitments can make it difficult tho.
A bit damp this morning in Bournemouth, should be ok later.
Old Moonie is back. What have I missed?
Morning Waterboatman. Nice to see you here, even if it is only fleeting!

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Good morning early birds!

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