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Morning All.

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moonraker558 | 05:50 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Nothing else, just mornin' all.


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Good Morning moonie.
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Good morning Noraq, I trust you are well.
your trust is justified moonie, I trust you are in rude health yourself. =)
Morning Moonie & Noraq - croaking like a widemouthed frog today - even managing to sing like Barry White on the way in to work - luckily nobody else had to suffer the caterwailing!! Plenty of work to do after a week off so just a short visit today. A very good morning to all that follow and have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you.
Yawwwwwnnnnnnn, morning, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
'morning Welshy.......(and 'bye) and 'morning Carlton.
Morning from the capital,
morning em10.
it's not raining as yet but the day hasn't started, and if its anything like yesterday better get the rubber dinghy ready just in case.
I off to earn the on (wonder how long before someone decides to wipe it off))...have a happy day everyone. x
Morning moonraker, morning all mist clearing in north Essex looks as though it is going to be a nice day, just back from a fortnight in Menorca - its was lovely.
morning all - another lovely day in the making by the look of it.
Morning all. Busy day today so it is hello and goodbye for the time being. See you later.
wotcha m'ducks....
love the av moonie... very atmospheric

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Morning All.

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