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moonraker558 | 10:42 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Do you have any secrets you want to share with old moonie, I promise it won't go any further, go on get it off your chests. lol


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But I can't share...
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Cmon, don't be shy It's only me here.
i only have ONE chest !
Moonie.....let think....errrmmmmmm......naw...I'll pass...but thanks for the offer. =)
Oh Yessss :-)
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Don't be bashful, spill the beans.
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I am at work now and as such I now have to do something for the next hour or two, (imagine that) but for rowan mine would be ttfn is stalking me, but it's a burden I have to carry. lol
then, it would no longer be a secret Mooniie :-)
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I wont tell Bobbi
haha, as if...on here???
I don't have a death wish Moonie...LOLOLOL
Look behind you ~~~ :)
I cannot wait all day for you, Moony. Off to work now - might see you later? I do hope so ♥
Question Author
Part-timer. ♥

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