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I'm Living The High Life

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joggerjayne | 12:53 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I'm having a chilli ding, a can of fat Coke, and some Costco dippy chippies.

Boy, I sure know how to have a good time.


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you are allowed BB :-)))
I am having Costco humous with Costco pitta....
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Costco humous in the big tubs?

That's really nice.

If I had some pittas, I'd have a couple with my chilli ding.

Question Author
I'm eating my chilli out of a bowl, with a tea spoon, LOL.
have you tied the costco triple pack of humous..smaller tubs..with red pepper,lime and coriander can't remeber the third one..but v nice..
Question Author
Actually, no, I haven't.

I might be going on Thursday. Perhaps I'll pick some up.

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I'm Living The High Life

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