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I was going to....

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cupid04 | 14:52 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
do a happy birthday poem fo google but cant think of a rhyme for google.
Got one:-frugal. Can you think of any more?


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Dougal ,the Magic Roundabout doggie! :-)
just avoid ending a line with google

Today google site is thirteen
It makes the rhymes easy I mean
If you use words at the end
That are simpler my friend
Versings easier than it could have been

But many happies old friend
May googs finding us sites never end
We've come to rely
on you more by and by
Although right down the list don't descend

So google we love all your aid
When there is research to be made
So go on for years
Answering medical fears
Where to shop, what to play, what decade

its like having a book full of gen
but what the Brittanica lacks now and then
is your range, such a wealth
won't fit on a shelf
So happy birthday until who knows when
Good one Rowan !!
be creative! How about:
Freddie Krugle
Big scary cougle
green slimey boogle
John Fash shouting "Awoogle"
Sir Alan Shoogle
Shoogle is a Scottish word.. means shake or wobble. Like you shoogle the dice... lol

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