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Barmaid | 12:50 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
My OH has gone into a DIY frenzy. Admittedly he made a jolly good job of the job he did at the weekend (although not quite finished). He is half way through the next job which involves power tools and a big long ladder. But we've now ditched that job to order the stuff to lay a new floor in the living room so by Monday I just know there will be THREE jobs unfinished (this to be added to the fact that the hall is still only partially decorated).

Why do they do this? What is the cure?


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i went out with a waitress once. she never bothered once to bring me beer from the fridge, or get the food to the table, and hardly ever gave service with a smile.
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Lol Triggs....

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