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Mornin' All.

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moonraker558 | 04:52 Fri 30th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
And a big hug to ttfn. ♥


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ttfn..judging by moonies avatar, he is probably thinking more along the lines of roast with mint sauce, !! =(
The first one to mention 'mutton' ...
=)....I dare em....
Morning moonraker, morning all, looks a bit cloudy over north Essex this morning, cannot do anything about the weather so enjoy the day,
Now you come to mention it, ttfn, I could do a nice mutton stew for one day next week. mmmm must get some scrag end from the butchers
Morning Brenden - hope the sun shines through for you.

Welshy - my dear! Is the cold feeling a little better today, per chance? You are wicked ;) x
morning Brenden
good morning all absolutely stunning sky this mornng looked like it was painted by Turner ...after being given a few extra tubes of red and gold paint
Last dat on here for a week as away in a PC free zone.... will miss you probably not but don't get up to too much mischief without you... and Moony...sending you a ((hug)) even if you were expecting it its cr@p when it becomes definite... wish you luck m'dear
Silly me, Welshy - for some reason or other, I didn't read to the end of your post ^^ - I wonder why that was?

I am off now - hope all have a good day, take care, ttfn x
I'm off..early start and early finish (I hope)..
Have a great Week-End everyone. (see you on the music thread later ttfn) ..Inch they say in Turkey. xxx
ttfn - me? wicked? never (smiles as he hits enter key)
Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? Time for me to go so ... have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you.
best of luck with your hospital appointment ttfn
Looks like we have to go ttfn spend 40 get a fiver off,big deal there are only the two of us, and a 1.5 kilo shoulder of mutton in the fridge from abel and coe, recommended by ab
morning everyone - x
Morning all, didn't sleep very well sleep last night so I was up and out while it was still dark. I even felt energetic enough to go up the beacon hill. I was knackered by the time I got to the top but it was worth it just to sit and watch the sun come up.

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