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Girls in Birkenhead...

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pa___ul3 | 12:08 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | Jokes
12 Answers
Judging by some of the names being screamed around Birkenhead town centre, I get the impression girls there just name their kids after the Eddie Stobart tuck it was conceived in!


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And that is funny because . . . .?
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oh alright, well I thought it was funny! 'cus the trucks all have daft double barrelled names like Debbie Jolene or Lily Doris!
Peace be upon him
Good one!
What is an Eddie Stobart tuck?


The Spelling Police
Didn't know the trucks had names until I read one of yesterday's posts. Passed "Lexie Amelia" today!!
Where is "Birkenhead"?
Yes, Eddie Stobart trucks do have girls' names on them (not necessarily double names) and many of us have joined the Eddie Stobart Fan Club and get enjoyment out of spotting these trucks and recording the names on their web site, or entering them in the book provided.
you asked for that pa
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Girls in Birkenhead...

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