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Thank you to all who replied with helpful comments,i don't really wanna go down the sueing route and would be a last resort,its just so frustating paying my bills every week like we all do then when it is there turn to do there bit they don't wanna no and just pass you around there different phone line's (i literallly wat put on hold for 30 mins and spoke to 9 different departments) all because i want some poxy window's fixed.
P.S Bednobs well health and safety i assume,there's a school opposite my property and last year i was cleaning the window and opened it and the glass just fell out to the floor (my house is 3 floors!!) so imagine if a little kiddy is going to school/walking home and a window falls out or the wooden rotted cladding falls down on a windy day and hits someone,surely they should act asap and by not doing so they are in dangering the people living here and passers by...