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my tip for the prix de L,arc de triomphe is.......

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stokemaveric | 08:48 Sun 02nd Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
snow fairy......


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Good luck Stoke, I've gone with Reliable Man, OH is with you on Snow Fairy. We'll split the difference!
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3rd at 14/1...oh well at least he got a place lol...
Hope you didn't have a bet on Stoke...............
Good tip, strange race. OH had 2 e/w on it, but only got 12/1
we had £5 each way on the SnowFairy at 14-1 so picked up £12.50 profit which was better than nothing. But yes a strange race; none of the favourites performed at all well.
Nice tip stokie.....snow fairy is actually a she though!
I think Stoke was referring to my OH joe, who got a place with Snowfairy

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my tip for the prix de L,arc de triomphe is.......

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