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There is something wrong with the rubgy player

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EvianBaby | 09:24 Mon 03rd Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
That one up there.

What's wrong with his right leg? Has he got gangrene?


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I'm not mocking it Ed, think it's a blinder! (apart from the scarily big hand!) I'm better at witty remarks than drawing... which kind of says it all!!
lol nice one Paul, I'll never be able to look at that logo again without smiling.
Well done to the artist though I couldn't draw anything that well.
Has anyone noticed the typo in the question? Or was it deliberate?
I never noticed it, well spotted.
LOL, I didn't spot it either
Should I "try" again with the logo?

lol AB I think it's excellent.................but still scarey that his arm is thicker than his leg.
Perspective craft, perspective.
Nah, he's a misshapen dwarf.

Perhaps the England squad are just out of shot!!!
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Oh look, not only can I not draw (check out my own submission on Ed's thread if you don't believe me) I also can't spell. And here is me making fun of others peoples efforts.

I'm taking myself away to think about what I've done for a while.
so you should 'naughty Girl' yours is great BTW... love the subtle use of perspective and the imaginative use of colours ;-)
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Thanks Arksided, it's one my proudest life acievements. I notice Ed hasn't yet replaced the current logo with my own but I expect that's just because he doesn't want to make other users feel inferior to me.
Its not even a leg, well maybe a "third leg" and probably modelled on Mike Tindall's after he had his "night out." Certainly by the time, the gorgeous pouting Zara has whipped him for his sins, it (underlined) will be all black.

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There is something wrong with the rubgy player

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