The trouble with this whole idea that he can confront and disable this organisation is that it isn't an army with a finite, registered number of people. However many he puts out of action, there will be others willing to take their places as long as they perceive the US as an enemy. Who would have thought that the Vietnamese would have thwarted the intentions of the world's number one superpower? The "war" may be over but the trouble is just beginning. Unfortunately these two politicians seem to think that as long as they satisfy the home electorate, all will be well. They forget the lessons of history, ie that the smaller nations who feel aggrieved at the heavy handedness shown by the West will find other unorthodox ways of fighting back. The UK and the US definitely have enough cash, but the Iraqi and Palestinian families who have lost loved ones or seen them maimed have enough new recruits to make catching the terrorists almost a never ending exercise. Our best bet would seem to be to try and live in peace with other people and treat them with respect.