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sorry... this is a medical question........... has anyone else suffered from Pyoderma Gangrenosum. If so,did the treatment you had go well? Only ask as I am worried. Best to all if you have

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Thistledownly- | 22:48 Fri 07th Oct 2011 | Science
5 Answers
I think I've entered this wrongly......sorry!!!!!!


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Best get yourself to the quacks ASAP!
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of course I have done. Been in hospital twice this year. I just wondered if anyone had the same problem as me, that's all. Sorry
According to the information on Channel 4's website, the condition is incredibly rare, so it's unlikely that you'll find anyone here who has experienced it.

Unfortunately the programme is no longer online (I've checked Youtube as well) but the treatment programme (two weeks in hospital plus 6 months of injecting antibiotics at home) sounds promising:

No need to apologise Thistle, it's just that as it's so out of the ordinary you'll be best advised by going back to your GP or consulting the specialist you're under, I doubt you'll get much advice here with your rare condition.
If you are worried about it go to your GP - if this has been diagnosed it could be serious.

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sorry... this is a medical question........... has anyone else suffered from Pyoderma Gangrenosum. If so,did the treatment you had go well? Only ask as I am worried. Best to all if you have

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