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Good Morning Britain.

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carlton23 | 05:33 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
May you `Have a nice day, d`yer hear?


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'morning Carlton
Buenas dias. Im lying in bed with a cup of tea. OH has just gone to work. Alfie the chicken-stealing wonderdog has just jumped on the bed for a cuddle. The mobile dog groomer is coming around at 8. He will look so posh when he's been cut. I may put some photos on fb x x x
Morning Carlton, Noraq and NoMercy, still dark and a bit chilly over north Essex this morning, but it is autumn. Enjoy your day.
morning carlton
Morning, its still dark, so not sure what the day will bring..
morning em
eerrgghh i hope so, but given it's saturday, before 7 am, and i'm already up, i don't hold out too much hope!
hope you have a good, pain free one though
ps NM, when ours get groomed, we call it poufed,
Got an eye disturbance migraine so can't see properly. Will come back later when it has gone. In the meantime, morning all, hope you have a good day.
morning all - bit dull but none of the wet stuff. Have a nice weekend.
Dogman hasn't turned up. If I had his number I would call him and tell him what I think of him.

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Good Morning Britain.

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