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wayne roonet sent off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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stokemaveric | 21:40 Fri 07th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
what were the odds on that then...i bet his old man knew........


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H'es almost dirty enough to play for Stoke
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ROONET??? of course i meant ROONEY...whats the odds of me making a spelling mistake after a bottle of red wine??? id say odds on lol....
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now now owdhamer..arsenal have a worse disciplinary record than us this season...
Only joking stoke i always will stoke to win on MOD
Stoke always beat us :-(
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some things never change wba lol....
2-2? With Montenegro? Oh dear!

Taxi for Capello?
Well we qualified but where was our left back when the cross came over for the 2nd goal?
In the pub alex?
might as well have been, the marking was terrible
We've qualified....That's all that matters.
I'll ignore all the crap in the papers...Our media hates us!
Rooney is an overrated petulant runt

Sent off twice for England now, both times not for genuine challenges but for deliberate kicks at opponents
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wasnt beckham sent off for a ''deliberate'' kick at an opponent tho joeluke?? he was a hate figure at the time for english fans...but on the face of it now he is 1 of the greatest players ever to pull on an england shirt...i wish we had him back in the england side...
Agree Stokie, but Beckham learned his lesson whereas Rooney obviously has not
it's enough to make you tear your hair out

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wayne roonet sent off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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