It might be different this time, lyla - no two births are the same. Try not to tense up, relaxing can help - I know it's easier said than done. Are you all ready, in case Baby Lyla pops out early...?
Thanks Boxtops. I have all the main stuff delivered 3 days before baby due, but almost have my bag ready :/). I am excited, but it's just being anxious that's spoiling it. I am going to try and just go along with the pain instead of fighting it.
Hi lyla - I had a terrible first delivery as I was so scared (I hate hospitals) but second time round I was more relaxed (don't know why) and I had him within an hour of getting to the hospital. Ok, it's not a fun day out but you know now how it all works so you might be more relaxed (if you know what I mean). On my third I was so relaxed that I didn't make it to the hospital at all and still had my trousers on when my husband delivered our daughter. Good luck with it all, x.
Sounds stupid but just remember to breathe. Consciously try to relax. Start with your feet, thenlower legs and continue upwards. Not easy but does redirect away from discomfort.
I honestly think (with hindsight) that staying on your feet for as long as possible helps (not that I purposely planned it on #2 and #3). Also, the breathing thing really does seem to help (maybe it just takes your mind off things) as I had no pain stuff for #2 or 3, but didn't do the panting thing, just long, slow, deep breathes.
Yes relaxing your body, breathing in deeply thro nose and blowing out slowly thro mouth and focusing your mind on something - anything - counting backwards. And the labour pains come and go, so there are pain free times in between.
Someone told me the labour is a natural pain (I always remembered that) and every other pain you experience is unnatural like you have hurt yourself. But with labour your body is made to experience it and it is natural.
Dont know if that helps.
I had four babies (all grown up now) but each one was easier and each one was quicker.
Good luck - it will all be worth it - how exciting.
try the raspberry leaf tea - you can drink or take in tablet form - apparently makes the labour go quicker (relaxes the cervix i believe!). I had to be cut and had forceps on my lo, but was too late to have an epidural so i don't think having an epidural would have caused you any problems. My mum always says that if you have a tough labour first time, the next one is a breeze. You know you have to go through it, but i certainly wouldn't be thinking of avoiding pain relief if its the pain you're worried about - there's other pain relief they can give you. Also, have you thought about a water birth? good luck! and don't forget to come on here and tell us how you get on! xxxxxxxxxxx