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Jogger Jayne (Seagull)

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Bbbananas | 14:42 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Don't come on here often now matey, but just have to say - I've been watching the Amanda Knox appeal with interest and it always makes me think of you!

Have you, even once, on here, said "I told you all so......." ??!!


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The Police grilled her for another day.

Eventually, after three days, the Police said, basically ... if you can't see how it was Lamumba, it must have been you. You will go to jail for life.

Reluctantly, the hungry, tired, Amanda said ... well, I suppose it could have been him.

The prosecutors then ran to the Press and shouted

"Ah Haaa ... Miss Knox says it was Lamumba"

Of all the stitch ups in the case, the lies about the Lamumba statement were among the worst.

The only reason the Court continued to hang its hat on that ludicrous myth is so that they could leave the prosecution with "something" of their claim, to discourage a further appeal.

But do not be misled by the raggy tabloids and the insane Gulio Mignini.

The simple fact is ...

Amanda did not try to frame Patrick Lamumba ... the Italian Police did.
NoMercy ...

That is SO wrong.

And remember ...

Aside from the cross contaminated bra clasp ...

There was NOT ON SINGLE scrap of Amanda's DNA in Meredith's room.




Not even a single, teensy weensy bit.

And this was a room where Amanda wrestled with Meredith, had sex, and committed a violent murder?

LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL !!!!!!!

There is one, and only one, possible conclusion from the real DNA evidence ...


The End.

She was not there.

Not taking part.

Not watching.

Not anything !!!

She simply was not there.
Jj... Did you read the only interview given by Lumumba? She most certainly did try to frame him. He also described in great detail how much resentment knox had for Meredith. The girls worked together at his bar. He sacked knox and gave Meredith her shifts. Hey presto Meredith is murdered and Lumumba is blamed.

Oh and it is Lumumba, not Lamumba. You once patronised me over that.
She sure is pretty..
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Well Amanda Knox`s DNA was on the knife but the levels were so low that any UK or US court would have rendered it inadmissable. Where was the actual evidence?
She was there. She sterilised the place before the police got there. They only found one fingerprint in the entire property. Pretty houseproud for a student. The local shopkeeper saw knox in his shop at the crack of dawn following the mutder. She was buying loads of cleaning products. Lol lol lol.
She "sterilised" the room?

In being in the room to sterilise it, she would have filled it with DNA.

The "removing the DNA with bleach" is nonsense.

And L"u"mumba ... who thought that Amanda had tried to frame him for murder, gave an interview which was unfavourable to Amanda?

What a surprise!

I presume he sacked Amanda when she was in prison, because Amanda was due to work a shift at Lumumba's bar on the night of the murder.

He could hardly have given shifts to Meredith after she died...
In any case, the room was not only not sterilised ...

... it was not even cleaned.

They found loads of blood, and masses and masses of Rudy Guede's DNA.

Oh wait ... I've got it now ...

Amanda used her microscope and her DNA analysis kit, and removed her own DNA, and left all of Guede's DNA, yes?

Does that illustrate why the "clean up" story was so totally absurd ?
Knox cleaned the rest of the house not the bedroom. She was panic buying cleaning fluids directly after the murder.
Oh and Guede admitted long ago that he didnt carry out the attack alone.
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Guede "admitted" that he didn't carry out the murder alone because ...

The prosecution said he could have a fast track trial and a reduced sentence if he did (to help them prosecute Amanda and Raf).

As a result of that deal, Guede, who admitted that he DID stab Meredith (alone or not), got 16 years, with half off for good behaviour. He's done 4. He will be out in 4 years.

Do you understand that?

Guede admitted stabbing Meredith, and he will be free in 4 years !!!!!


Because the prosecutor was obsessed with Amanda, and was happy to be lenient with Guede.

Did AK buy cleaning stuff?

We don't know. She says not, and most of the prosecution witnesses were adjudged by the Appeal Court to be wholly unreliable.

But it's irrelevant.

You can't clean away DNA with household cleaners. You simply can't.

Guys, I've got people due over for supper. Nice debating with you, as always. HB ... love ya lots, always a pleasure, even when we disagree.

Be good, guys.

J x x x
Jj i like you and your contributions to this site. I know we are both adult enough to accept that this case is one thing upon which we will never agree. Speaksoon. X x

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