Yesterday as we were sitting chatting, Joe , my friend's husband suddenly appeared to be in a great deal of pain .His right hand seemed to be in some sort of spasm , the fingers were curled inwards and yet well separated and rigid. We massaged his arm and hand for quite a while and things returned to normal.During the evening the incident happened again about 4 times, each time the pain he described as excrutiating,
It has not happened at all today--- any ideas anyone please.Thank you for any help you may be able to offer.Sincerely Brenda.
There is a condition where the fingers of the hand are pulled in like this though for the life of me I can't remember what it's called. Margaret Thatcher had something like this way back and she had surgery to correct it.
I think a trip to the doctor is called for
Start here and click through 'Symptoms', 'Causes', 'Diagnosis' and 'Treatment' to see if the information might be relevant to your friend's husband:
You're thinking of a Dupuytren's contracture nungate. But that is usually a painless gradual thing! Does sound like a cramp but a GP visit would be the best thing. If it happens again this weekend though, try getting him to wiggle his fingers gently to see if that helps!
It would seem that this is a type of "cramp" and is not a serious situation. If this continues on and off for more than a couple of weeks, then I would suggest he sees his GP re blood tests to exclude a thyroid disorder.
Thank you all for your helpful replies, have made my friend aware of them and she is very grateful. to date the have been no further incidents with her husband's hand , so she is going to see what happens in the future days and weeks. So thank you from me and thank you from her.