Did anyone see the results show tonight? I get really annoyed that the programme was recorded last night. there was a man with a white cap right behind Tess who was there 'last night' The show was not very good anyway. Does anyone want to know who got voted out?
It's the worst kept secret that the Sunday show is recorded on Saturday night. If you didn't know, you would probably wonder why there was such a short period in which to vote. The judges were good 'tonight', no-one slipped up and talked about the dancing 'tonight' as has happened many times in the past. Anyone who watches the show knows who has been voted out by the time of your post.
The following forum reveals the results late on a Saturday night
Once again it correctly listed the botttom two and the name of the dancer thrown out
What particularly niggles me about the judges is when they criticise the celebrities for too much faffing about at the beginning, taking too long to get into the dance so not enough steps being taken. The celebrities are not responsible for the choreography but get to do the routine they are given by the professionals. The celebrities have enough criticisms levelled at them as it is but this particular one should be clearly aimed at the professionals. Rant over!
Agree with you FoxLee, I've always wondered why they say that to the celebs. They have no choice it's the professionals who set the steps (can't spell choreograph)
yes, but then it is up to the pro dancer to stretch the abilities of the celeb. if the celeb is spending 2 minutes sitting on a chair and is then just pushed around the floor, that means the pro dancer has no confidence that the celeb can dance the routine with any style or rhythm.