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I'm a Teacher!

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sophie_1003 | 17:30 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Would just like to say thank you to everyone who's helped me out on applications etc; got a teaching job yesterday; so happy!!


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Well done Sophie, so pleased for you, x.
I dcertainly do, Sophie.
For each application, after filling in all the boring factual compulsory bits of the form (usually 10 pages of training courses, qualifications, every job, etc ), I spend at least 10 hours planning out and crafting the wording of the required 2 page personal statement, carefully showing how I meet or exceed all the requirements of the person specification and job description.
I also do a nice single sided covering letter setting out why I am so attracted to the job and how my skills, qualifications, experience etc match the job perfectly.
I have always been good at writing these and used to be successful with almost every application but in the last few years it doesn’t seem to get me anywhere now apart from the occasional short term role.
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Aww yeah they take so long don't they factor? Althougha friend of mine used a generic personal statement for all of hers although she did have to apply to about 50 vacancies across the country before she got an interview! Think there's a lot of teachers chasing very few jobs at the minute as well!
oh well done.

just think, start in january and its only 5 weeks until your 1st holiday, then 6 weeks until your next........

just kidding, wish i could do it. best of luck

Well done Sophie and good luck in your new job. xx
Congratulations sophie, primary school teaching must be a lovely rewarding job.
Question Author
Thanks all; am over the moon and can't wait to get started!
congrats xx

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