'Feared Dead Chicken' needs a light slap on the cloaca.
My 'Head Hen', Clemmy, serially ostracised each of the new lot until she'd taken each in turn to teach them The Clemmy Way - a five-step programme she has developed herself:
1) I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm Clementine. Remember me.
2) Human Who Thinks She's in Charge comes round after The Archers. Look indifferent/menacing if there are no table scraps.
3) There are always good pickings to be had at the neighbours. One is frightened of me, and thinks I am the size of an average pub table. Lamentable lack of brioche lately, however. Must address.
4) As we're entirely free-range, lay your eggs in any awkward place, and once 'They' find them, never lay in the same place again.
5) Eschew the comfy coop with soft barley straw and instead roost in the trees - so much more convenient for pooping on to the drive.