Dont read this if you are eating your dinner ..... I think I've got a virus, its now developed to a racking cough (I dont smoke but it sounds like I do) which makes my chest sore and a horrible blood type taste (ugh) although I'm not bringing up blood and the stuff (ugh) isn't green (sorry folks). How can I get rid of this chesty phlegmy cough please ??
I had a fluey bug earlier this year which floored me completely. One side of my face looked like a hamster with a very over filled pouch. I had catarrh by the barrel full - and I was coughing stuff up.
After the bug it took many weeks to get back to normal and to stop coughing up gunk. It was awful.
Smurf, you need to go to the doctor. The current campaign reminds people to go to the doc if you have any cough which has lasted more than three weeks.
Providing that you don't feel ill, this is no big deal. Post vial coughs may last weeks before settling. I'm afraid that nothing will ease the cough,but you could try Benylin or it's equivalent.
However if you start to feel hot, lethargic and not well, then see your GP
Thanks everyone, I dont really feel ill its just the cough gets me down. Its more like a heavy head cold with this yucky cough. I dont like to bother the doc as they won't give me anything (its not green as I say .. sorry ...) but I will see how it goes by the end of the week. Thanks all x