katherine jenkins voice depends on what she is singing. I think that some of the songs she sings are not suited to her because she seems to shreik. she is better suited to soothing songs , and in a lower key.IM bought a c.d.recently and was bitterly disappointed. Too much opera type songs far to higher key for her.
Just seen this thread and have to say there is nobody who can shriek like Maria Callas. Her much lauded version of the fabulous Casta Diva is a fine example of her shrieking and isn't a patch on Joan (La Stupenda) Sutherland's version IMO. Agree with Em on RF and I adore Angela Gheorghiou but can't agree on Kiri who is definitely NOT an A List opera star although she has a very pretty voice. KJ is good at what she does but is not an opera singer and to her credit admits this and I have to say she is over made-up and manicured to within an inch of her life - a shame as she is prettier without all the slap. I know this is an old thread but had to get my two pen'orth in.