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End of the world today?

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flobadob | 14:35 Fri 21st Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Did someone not predict the end of the world today? Or did I imagine it?


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yes, people still keep buying into these weirdo's
I will be glad when we get past 21/12/2012
Question Author
Good luck with that cazzz, seeing as how that day is the end of the world, lol.
I took out a million pound loan this morning and am out spending it.
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I wonder what date will be conjured up when 21/12/2012 passes without incident..?
Question Author
Well, the day is young clarion, especially as that prediction is working off American time.
what time is the apolcalypse due then flob..?
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So long as it's after teatime cazzz as I'm looking forward to my perfectly cooked steak http://www.theanswerb.../Question1068414.html Oh yeah.
No No the end of the world was December 21st 1999

I think you just add it to these :-D
Damn, I bought a new dress for a party to-night..any idea what time it's going to I bother to wash my hair?
Question Author
Here's a link from cazzz's story
Well it's early doors, we've got til midnight.

Although I'd really like to know before I go ahead and make this phone call, it's going to be pretty horrific and if we're ending then I really won't have to bother.
im still here, but only just, think im fading fast, byeeee
did somebody say The Rapture :)
Question Author
Might have a couple of beers now then, before it all kicks off.

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End of the world today?

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