today. Why is it that whenever there are pages of money off offers in newspapers. I hardly ever want the items to which they refer, or have just purchased the item the day before.Grrrr!!
If its a food item that you normally use, and it's possible to freeze it, still get it. The trick to coupons is to only use 'em if you get the product anyway, or it's cheaper than your normal brand.
That's life, Brenda... I get the Costco money off booklets, but have never bought anything much from them.
Another thing that riles me (good word, that) is when Virgin Media send me really cheap introductory offers - I've had Virgin broadbend for ages. They must destroy a small forest every year spamming people who are already customers.
Oh, Venator ... those COSTCO booklets are annoying.
They put one in everyone's trolley, don't they.
I've never opened one.
I always know what I want to get, and I get it. If it happens to be in the offer booklet, you get the discount at the till automatically, even without using the booklet.
They must go through thousands of those booklets every day.
au contraire, JJ, if I want something expensive I'll often wait to see if Costco put it on special. We got a new camera this week that was about 20% off. It was worth driving there just for that, though we did a regular shop as well.