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A question of belief.....

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andrew1707 | 08:50 Thu 20th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Are there any dyslexic agnostics out there who are unsure whether or not dog exists?


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Ha ha, so help them Bob!
Netbiza - that should be Jings, Crivens and help ma boab.

Andrew1707 is a Scottish gentleman - a very kindly lad who has a sense of humour that takes some getting used to.

Oor Willie is Scottish and in the cartoon strip they say stuff like Jings, Crivens and help ma Boab.
I believe - I believe that Dog exists, I have seen dog and smelled dog and I know that he is real.
Your senses may be playing tricks on you.
who is Boab then - is he related to the Wee Man (as "in the name of the Wee Man" my FIL used to say)?
Fat Bob is Oor Willie's friend in the cartoon strip but I don't know where the "Help ma boab" comes from perhaps andrew1707 will know coz he knows loads. He also has the bestest sister in the whole planet.
Has she got catz, wolfy??
She has strangely enough - poor wee Andrew hasn't got cats, he has human little ones instead.

Cats are far superior.

Methinks that it is bedtime. I am turning nocturnal.

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Just returned to this one after the weekend to find a lady, whom I have never heard of before, pretending to be related to me.

I have never heard such nonsense!!!

Her dog did smell though..............
He called me a lady !
I don't believe in dog.

I'm a dyslexic devil worshipper.

I've sold my soul to Santa.

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A question of belief.....

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