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Which threads on AB most remind you of the BigEndian/Little Endian debates in...

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sandyRoe | 18:04 Tue 25th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Gullivers Travels?


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as it's still sitting on the shelf, waiting for it's turn to be read, i can't tell you. But when it's turn comes and i read it, will let you know. It might be a time, seeing as there are at least three books in front.
Can we have a precis sandy, I was forced to read it at school and can't tell you anything about it.
mostly in the Religion section.

Big end/little end: national debate on which end to crock your egg
er, *crack*.
Thank you jno, so would adding the mohican haircut thread be appropriate?
yes, that sounds like a good'un.

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Which threads on AB most remind you of the BigEndian/Little Endian debates in...

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