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steam cleaner

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slinky.kate | 19:16 Thu 27th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
anyone got one,i seen one advertised and it looks great,cleans the cooker,floors,windows,carpets(i dont have any)sinks,taps etc,all you use is water.advertised for £99 quid,plus p& think its worth it.


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I borrowed my neice's and it worked very well. Because it is steam it kills all the bugs too.
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so tenrec is it worth buying?
Well, I'm not that houseproud, so not for me, but if i had pets, I might.
Bought a hand held model for about £20. Really good for bathroom & kitchen. Money well spent I'd say.
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i am all wooden floors and have pets,i think i could work that better than a hoover,mop and bucket.
I got a hand-held one from Aldi for £15. Very good for all the smaller jobs- but not floors, obviously.

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