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that's better

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rsvp | 19:07 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
have been away for two weeks so house has been empty - got back this afternoon and it felt decidedly unloved and unlived in. Have just lit a fire and 'that's definitely better' - all is now well with the world.


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Good - welcome home!
Thought we hadn't seen you - have you been somewhere nice?
smashing :-)
been anywhere nice?
Question Author
thank you for the welcome back guys - yes, have been to look after my friend's beautiful country house - lots of animals, dogs, goats, chickens - ahhh how the other half live! Have to say though, am glad to be back in my own little place with a lovely fire going and a glass of red to hand.
welcome back
Sounds like Friday night bliss. Happy homecoming.
Question Author
really feel like I'm 'home now - aren't you all lovely, thank you
Welcome back! :o)
ooooh I envy you. I would love a real fire. Few people I know have one & they say it lights up a grey day & is as good as company.
I've got a real fire.
Welcome back rsvp. I hope you find everything as you left it.
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All was well on my return thank you except the colder weather has brought the mice inside to their Winter quarters.
I do realise how lucky I am to have an open fire and it does brighten up a grey day - it's a real back to childhood thingie for me - I remember making paper spills for my Mum and do it myself, much better than burning fingers with matches.
Have lovely toastie feet now!
used to love toast made on the fire...and roasted chestnuts...
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what a good idea murrymints - will try and buy chestnuts tomorrow - thanks
you have to be careful to whip the nuts out before they explode....that was always half the fun mind you..Mwahahaha!
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Ill score them with a knife first - am quite looking forward to tomorrow's fire now.
Welcome back, you have the best of both worlds then, country house-sitter and your own cosy home, nice to sleep in your own bed again.
happy chomping !
Question Author
to true ayg - I love going away but am very happy to be back home.

will chomp away mm!

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that's better

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