The models are continually being improved by factoring in more and more variables. They have always predicted a rise in temperature and the match with the geological record is increasing accurate as they develop.
The sun is a driver of climate fluctuations but it is only one factor. The long term measured temperature changes are not correlated to the solar cycles.
Yes the Medieval Warm Period was experienced in various locations around the planet but most strongly in the North Atlantic. Pacific Ocean currents were also affect. However it was not an increase in average global temperatures. Large parts of the plant were cooler than todyay.
"During the Pliocene the earth climate system response shifted from a period of high frequency-low amplitude oscillation dominated by the 41.000 year period of Earth's obliquity to one of low frequency-high amplitude oscillation dominated by the 100.000 year period of the Orbital eccentricity characteristic of the Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles."
Those who don't accept that we are having a profound effect on the planet's climate are deluded.
The claim that there is a limit on temperature rise shows profound ignorance. Morover a rise of a couple of degrees will cause a massive change to the environment.
The claim that the increased CO2 is not from man is completely wrong and that can be proved. Fossil carbon produces carbon dioxide with virtually 100 percent Carbon 12 and that is exactly what we see in the atmospheric CO2 increase.