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Good Morning Ab'ers.

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NoMercy | 05:22 Sun 30th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Clocks have gone back but have you felt the benefit?

Have a great day everyone. X x x


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Morning all you lucky people who got the extra hour - i woke up 30 mins ago at the "usual" time!
good morning one and all
and ain't it a loverly morning

Am I right
I'm not wrong !
Question Author
Good morning Venator and Jonny.

Any grand plans today.
And good morning to you too, NoMercy.

I shall be wearing the pointy red hat of the First Church of Answerbank (if I can find one)

Mornin' All, what's happening with you today then? anything exciting?
Polishing your broomstick, Moonraker?
Question Author
Morning moonraker. How goes life?
Hangin' on in there Nom, well you gotta aint ya.
Used the extra hour for a couple more loads of washing ... and some cleaning... raining here so will be curled up with the crosswords later... Lunch is prepared and I might make some banana bran muffins for breakfast bananas being the sacred food in the high church of Ed
Question Author
You sound more organised than I, Rowan.

I've got youngest child to get back to the beast by eleven, laundry to do, a big shop at Asia and a roast dinner to cook before he goes to work again this afternoon. Oh the joys. I can't wait until I'm working over the road.
Have to be organised... Houseguest from next thursday and loads to rearrange... cos I won't get much done with him around the place....
Morning, and no.

I didn't feel the benefit at all. I was awoken by crying!
Morning :-)

I didn't feel the benefit either.
Question Author
Morning guys.

I didn't feel benefit either.
Morning all. I didn't benefit either. Max didn't know the clocks had gone back he just knew it was time for his walk.
If only babies and pets could comprehend the time change! L o l
I see it as an extra hour to live not sleep...
Poor Mrs V worked last night on delivery in the local baby factory. The're supposed to take an extra hour's break, but she hardly ever gets a a break.

You have to love the job!
what a beautifull dog i had setters for years they are totally mad for about 5 years then settle down

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Good Morning Ab'ers.

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