ase can anyone help me with these.
31,....but the mate has stowed away contents of this vessel (5)
40,Rail against Luxenbourg and start a complete revolution in high places(6
61,In order to avoid any friction doctors act and rub oils in.(11)
Any help will be greatly appreciated63,Authorized waste dumped around chemical industry.(8)
There's still a month to go on this quiz. Do you really need help at this stage?
you need to re-visit 31 - the answer is a three letter word for "mate" plus the "contents" of the word "this" contained within it.
lubrication is 11 letters. The clue should read oil, singular, and not plural.
Oops, Thanks gen2,looks like I can't count either!
Must be lubrications though as it's anagram of 'act (and) rub oils in'
Unless it should read 'act (and) rub OIL in'
If Cate_gory has got the original quiz I'm sure she'll know which way round it is