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States that ban homosexuality to lose aid.

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anotheoldgit | 15:21 Sun 30th Oct 2011 | News
30 Answers

Is he fair to do this?

I think it is a jolly good idea, at least it will reduce our overseas aid bill by a considerable amount.


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Do we send much aid to USA..........?
I think the frisson caused by the inference that anal intercourse leads to HIV infection captured the imagination of the media at the time, and to an extent still does.

The notion that anal intervourse is a social tabboo links in perfectly with the perception that indulgence leaves people open to a disease-borne retribution is a perfect combination for 'sin' and 'damnation' which have been a cornerstone for moralising individuals since biblical times.

The proven medical facts that support the notion that HIV is now spread more frequently through unprotected heterosexual intercourse is not going to allow a deviation (pun intended!) in the course of occupation of the moral high ground.

Which is easier for the moralists to accept - HIV is a risk for all unprotected heterosexual intercourse with individuals whose sexual history you are not privvy to - or 'Them dirty queers get what they deserve - a lingering painful death' - it's not a contest really, is it?
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Shall we now get back to the original question?

Should Cameron ban aid to all those countries that condemn homosexuality?
It seems to be the thin end of a very nasty wedge when aid to needy people is denied just because their government's stance on any particular issue does not match our own.

On that basis we would stop all aid; that should make the 'Charity Stops at Home' contingent happy!

Ultimately, the government uses overseas aid as a bargaining chip in its international relationships and these considerations are unlikely to alter that too much.
"Commonwealth countries that promote anti-homosexual views and laws should have their general budget support cut – though not their overall aid package – the Prime Minster David Cameron has said. Budget support makes up around 5 per cent of Britain's yearly aid budget"

small beans in the grand scheme of things really, unless it stops such abuses occurring in these places, then its just a token gesture with no real clout.
As Aids was prevalent in the Chimpanzee community long before it affected humans is similar to saying it didn't affect hetrosexuals until long after it affected homosexuals. They just past it on!
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States that ban homosexuality to lose aid.

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