No tony - I'm not bad at crosswords, but sometimes even a simple clue has me really stumped. The choice then is to ask on here, so I can complete it, or throw it in the bin unfinished. Besides, some of them are prize crosswords and we get really pleased when we hear that an ABer has had a small win.
In any case - the crossword and puzzles section is really good for...
errr - if you don't know the answer and have failed to solve the clue by the usual methods how else are you supposed to finished the Xword? By asking on here you learn how others have worked out the answer - besides, it's a good feeling when you are able to help someone else out too - (doesn't happen very often with me though!!)
I use Google a lot, plus I have almost a library of reference books, and still get stumped sometimes. Also, once you get to know the answer, it's that little bit extra knowledge that could come in handy another time.