A very good morning to you all. Right, where is he? This young upstart that's trying to muscle in on mine and moonies harem? Some illiterate spud basher, i'm told, from the Emerald Isle. Thinks he can just waltz on here taking our women - pistols at dawn you young pup, methinks!!
Alba, no bran flakes? I've got to have my bran flakes on weekday mornings, though for some reason I seem to miss breakfast on Thursdays.
Rowan - Full house again - smartarse!!!
Alba - don't worry about the noseyparker thing. He sent me a couple of cds with pictures of their recent break at Alton Towers Hotel & Park - lovely photos (all 200 plus!) and the 3 girls are all beautiful as is mum and dad. Going to see them soon with my eldest lad and my grandson - that'll be fun!!
Nothing worse than being accused of being older than you are.
200 photogs, jeez, they'll have had mega fun :)
(I was asked my age a few weeks ago, didn't have the foggiest, told them my DOB and let them work it out, great, now I sound like a constipated mathematician)
A little late in the day but my mate Moony is about and I hope he sees this alba.
Moony - I wish you the very best for tomorrow - just shave, put a clean shirt on and don't mention sheep for goodness sake ;) ♥
Bless you Moony - just make sure you have a good night's rest and some breakfast in the morning. You have to be in with more than a good shout - look at your support from here for a start :))) Ewe cannot keep a good man down (probably works t'other way round though :p) Whatever the outcome. I will still be here for you ♥♥