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Is Libya the new Nigeria?

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sandyRoe | 17:49 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I've just received an e-mail from a chap in Libya who apparently has more money than sense. He wants to send it to me and I can have 40% if I'll keep the rest for him.
Could this be from one of Gaddaffi's sons?


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go for it Sandy - sure to be legit
I would try for 50%.
Just make sure it's not in Euro.
Can you give him my Address Sandy?
I hope not, it'll somewhere else for Anotheoldgit to get all wound up about.
I loved the one kicking about "what is black and has broken arms?"

Ans: Gadaffi's sunglasses.

Just don't take Drachmas and immediately hedge the Euros against Yen, Sterling or S-Francs or even the almighty dollar. Gold works too..
It's not the American soldier claiming to be serving there is it? Someone asked about that a few months ago at the height of the war. Amusibgly, they seemed unsure whether it was genuine or not.
It probably is a Nigerian. They use all sorts of reasons in their letters and they are still Nigerian
Ah 'course!..thank you. =)
I got one of those the other day... to encourage me to respond he had obligingly written SPAM in the subject field.
I've been mentioned in Col Gadaffi's will.
There's also a guy at the airport with a large sum of money for me - I hope he's OK, as he has been there for over 2 weeks.

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