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Best day in ages!

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EvianBaby | 20:10 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Just heard from my bank. They agree I was mis-sold my PPI and will be refunding me to the tune of 2.5k within the next 40 days.

This is the best thing that's happened to me in ages and I wanted to tell someone. (I'm keeping it quiet among most people I know).


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good timing re Xmas
Well done - enjoy yourself!
Well done you - a great success!!
Question Author
Very good timing! Plus I was planning a trip to Colardo to see a friend next year but struggling to save as I keep having to fork out on getting things done to the car so this pretty much garuantees I can actually go. Smiling for the first time in ages!
Yay! I've had a mad couple of days so lovely to be able to switch off a bit tonight. After a bit of a saga over tax, HMRC thinking I owe them when they actually owe me. I finally got the info I needed earlier and should hopefully be getting a big rebate soon. Had an interview this morning so glad that's over and I can chill out a bit. Feel exhausted so looking forward to an early night and very glad it's Friday tomorrow.
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Nice to know you're going to be getting some money off someone for once instead of it being the other way round isn't it.

Good luck with the interview! (well, the news following it)
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Who the hell knows where Colardo is but I'm planning a trip to Colorado.
Any chance of a loan? Waaaaa, good luck to you Evian, See I can spell it right.
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Lol thanks! Sure you can have a loan. Typical APR 34287%
2% cheaper than the NatWest overnight rate I believe.....
mine's a double ! enjoy
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Bargain then!

Nice one RSVP!
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Oh hang on, in all my excitement I thought you meant you'd also received a payout, double to mine. Whoops!

Sod the double. Have a bottle!
nice 1 evianbaby..
Brill !

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Best day in ages!

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