The problem with CQC is much of what they base their reports on is not what you will see in the home, it is a lot more involved than just the basic care. they cant actually tip each other off like that, its like a kitchen inspection, their inspection will usually be over a day or two, not just pop in when passing.
A 2 star rating is a good rating, very few places get a 3 star= excellent. The fact that what someone sees as an excellent care home may fail miserably in other departments than the actual care side.
Im not defending CQC but having many dealings with them I know a bit of how they work, I also know that even some of the the very poor homes can get a good star rating if the staff want to put on a good show and the paperwork is in order. CQC can only judge a place on what it sees, the evidence supplied and witnessed, This can be, and is often manipulated.
Incidentally the star rating system is no longer in use.